"We had this discussion with Batman... whether we wanted to incorporate the TV theme. And Tim said, 'No, don't do that.' And on Planet of the Apes, once again, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... So I'm just guessing that he's gonna say no again, that he's gonna want to develop his own language and dialogue for this. Having said that, who knows? You may just hear a theramin!"
In other movie news, Christopher Lee has spoken briefly about Dark Shadows in a Christmas video message posted on Youtube. He describes the experience as "a very happy reunion for me, because I really do feel like one of the family with producer Richard Zanuck, director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp." As previously reported, Lee will play fisherman Bill Malloy. "It's not a long part," he says. "I don't play long parts. They must be short parts, but they've got to be parts that mean something... where people will notice when I’m on the screen and people will remember the character."
Just as Burton acknowledged the four original actors with cameos in the new DS movie, he should do so for Robert Cobert by using his original opening DS theme. The original opening DS theme is an iconic legacy.
Cathy Robbins
The opening theme of Dark Shadows is not only iconic and legendary, it is the hallmark and most recognizable feature of the series. As such, it should be contained within this new work, as it was in the revival series.
As much as I like Elfman's original scores, DS remake HAS to include the theme. It can be featured slightly or rearranged but either way it's gotta be there.
Besides, Batman was an ongoing comic book at the time of the film and way before the TV series, so it is open to interpretation with different adaptations. The other examples were just feature films remade.
However, this film is a direct homage to an iconic TV show with a cult following and the opening tune is surely one of those things that they need to keep.
Please have the original theme for the film. And the "I'm Victoria Winters" voiceover. And, to be greedy, the scene of Barnabas emerging from the coffin with his hand around Willie's neck.
To have a Dark Shadows movie without featuring Robert Cobert's theme, in some fashion, is like having a Dark Shadows movie without Barnabas.
I can understand Burton not wanting to use the TV Batman theme because it was campy. The Dark Shadows theme creates a mood, it is ethereal and is immediately identifiable. Keith Dunmire
The iconic DS story/legend is going to be seen through the Burton lense. That said, Shadow fans can take stock in the fact that Burton, Depp, and even Michelle Pfeiffer are huge original DS fans -- so there is hope for an homage of sorts. Yes, the original theme and even some key licks from the original TV score (Josette's Theme among them) would be GREAT. Here's hoping! P.S. WHEN are we going to see a trailer? Can't wait...
I've always thought of Robert Cobert's music as an unseen character on the original show. If none of it is used, that will be a shame.
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