As was widely predicted, family-friendly The Avengers continued its record-breaking blockbuster run, taking the lion's share of the weekend's business with over $100 million in the US alone, plus the number one slot. Depp's Barnabas comfortably made second place ahead of nearest competitor, Think Like A Man, which took $6.3 million. The Hollywood Reporter adds that Dark Shadows "came in No. 1 ahead of Avengers in several European
markets, including France (where Depp lives), where it grossed $4.6
million. It scored its biggest number in Russia, grossing $5.3 million."
Elsewhere, Collider has interviewed Dark Shadows screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith, who echoed comments from director Tim Burton earlier this week that the film's DVD and BluRay release will feature deleted scenes: "There was a lot cut out... As a writer, you want all of those great actors to have those [great] moments... What happens then, is you then have a three-hour movie!"
"There's some stuff with Barnabas and David getting to know each other, a little earlier on," says Seth. "I think that the plan is to release those scenes on the BluRay. I'd love to – personally – see an extended cut of this movie. Because there is so much other stuff, not just with Barnabas, but so many other characters." The interview also includes Seth reflecting on the film's box office prospects and the development of the script from John August's initial draft. To view the full chat online, click here.
So what's wrong with a three-hour movie? Been a lot of movies that have done that successfully.
I'd wondered about the scenes that had had pictures published--the one with Barnabas playing with David's dinosaurs for one, especially.
Plus, what happened to the actor who was to play the "younger" Barnabas?
I would like for them to have those deleted scenes incorporated into the Dark Shadows (2012) movie on a standard DVD release not just only on Blu-Ray. Doesn't bother me if I have to put in Disc 2 to see the rest of the movie. Not everyone can upgrade to Blu-Ray.
I hate it when deleted scenes and extended scenes are separate.
I think that "Dark Shadows" did well, considering it was in just over half as many theatres as the Avengers movie. We loved it.
It's 'Night of Dark Shadows' all over again, with all this cut material! At least with this version, we won't have to wait 40 years to see the restored version. :)
After seeing the movie and comparing it to the trailers, I can see why it didn't do better. As one reviewer said of the trailers, "audiences don't generally go for quirky and offbeat." The movie is much more dramatic than the humorous trailers that were put together. I think it was a big mistake for Team Burton to publicize this as a complete tongue in cheek movie. As a fan of the original, I can say that he did pay a respectable homage to the original version. It's too bad more people won't have the opportunity to see it...unless they make a very quick about-face with a series of new trailers. Which is unlikely at this point.
I agree with James not everyone can afford a Blu-Ray system, why should be be penalized? The Harry Potter movies were much longer and we never complained, except that they could have been longer. While we are at it when with HODS & NODS be released on DVD?
I definitely loved the movie. It kept the soul of the original show intact and injected it with the usual Burton/Depp high-budget weirdness.
As many on this site predicted, the comedic tone of the trailers were misleading. Taken in context, many of those moments are more like statements of alienation in an already strange Burton landscape. More than anything else, it did feel like cinematic version of a tv soap opera.
I would love a sequel, but Burton seems correct in that it isn't something that the movie would automatically lend itself to.
Good point Ron Daisy. I loved the Harry Potter movies too and was thrilled with them being 2 hours, 40 minutes. I love epic movies like that. Yes. They should release Dark Shadows in its extended version for all DVD formats.
I wanted to see more with the other characters. Good to know its at least going to be on the DVD.
Imagine if Michelle Pfeiffer had played Angelique? That would have been monumental! The Carolyn turn of character seemed tacked on. Roger didn't have much of a role.Depp could have shown more anguish in killing his victims.
I was waiting for the scene with David and the dinosaurs, too. I truly hope all the cut scenes make it to a director's cut or at least special features but the former would be preferred.
I am one of the original kids who ran home from school in the early '70s and enjoyed the movie because I knew what to expect - and yet, was pleasently surprised.
I have not read any of the reviews - I have a feeling they have not been kind - and do not intend to until after I've bought the DVD.
Saw DARK SHADOWS w/my sister (also a big DS's fan) this past weekend with a hearty gathering audience: whom at the end of the movie "all" clapped. We found the new DS's movie to excellent/brilliant with it's haunting surreal images. Love the house/Collinswood Mansion & the fireplace, Wow: what a nice surprise seeing it in all it's bold glory. The Cast and storyline were "solid" yet I would of like for each character to have been given a more indepth spotlight & at times I wish that Actor Crispin Glover could of played Willie. But none the less it was incrediable actors Johnny Depp/Barnabas and Michelle Pfiffer/Elizabeth powerful delivery along with Bella H./Victoria, Maggie, Josette made DS's come back with full Life force anew engeries!! Also Chloe/Carolyn (very nice surprise..'for those fans whom have not seen), and Eva Green/Angelique totally wicked and Roger, David & Willie and DR. Hoffman and the quiet Ms. Johnson (whom in the origional Classic DS's is not quiet) were all awesome talents. A very big congrates to Burton, Depp, Graham King, Graham-Smith and John August etc.,. for bringing a very powerful, surrel and haunting new DARK SHADOWS to the big screen, again. And very much look forward to sequels: next time go more indepth with each character if possible and it was wonderful seeing the origional DS's Cast members make a cameo/it was quick a scene yet still quite a treasure seeing them: J. Frid, K. L. Scott, L. Parker & D. Selby. And the soundtrack was powerful Epic emotions throughout.
Crispin Glover as "Willie"? Oh my what a wonderful idea! I would have accepted that.
See Dark Shadows! Bring your Willie.
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