Since leaving acting in the early 1970s, David has remained one of the most elusive members of the Dark Shadows cast. For over 25 years, he's worked in the hospitality industry, overseeing many successful restaurant and hotel projects and is now happily married and living in Panama.
David and his wife Carolina recently celebrated the birth of their new daughter Mathilda, back in January. His latest business project is a a group of upscale restaurants in the area, operating under the banner of the Henesy-Rodriguez Group (HRG), who say "If Dark Shadows fans are in the area, we would love to receive them at the restaurants."
I'm sure that David has run into Burke Devlin; his plane crash landed on the way to his dinner meeting in Panama at David's restaurant!
Re: Really! That's a time-travel storyline I would like to have seen!
I'm glad we can look forward to hearing from David from time to time. It will be most interesting to read his contributions to this site.
Let me be the first to wish David and his wife congratulations for the birth of their daughter, Mathilda.
I often wonder how David's life is going, and I wish him and his wife continued success with their new upscale restaurants.
That's really cool of David to pop in to say hello that way.
I found him after all these years. He was a part of my day back in the 60's after school. I think I even bought every Tiger Beat mag. that came out to see what new photo they had of him that I could keep. Im glad to hear he is safe, happy and successful in life. XOXOXOX
Three cheers for his success!!!
I am glad that David is still around and doing well. I looked forward to Dark Shadows everyday after school and David was as inquisitive and impetuous as I:)
Just now watching all of the DS Beginings dvds having missed most when I was a kid. I surely hope that David won some awards for his acting because I've been very impressed with his part in the early shows. Just watched the episode when David Ratcliff made contact at the seance and David's dramatic acting was awesome for a youngster!
so my children wanted to go see the new dark shadows ,well we found the tv series they enjoyed them very much concidering tthey are 9,14,and 17.so older show are the best ,thank you for the experiance............
HELLO DAVID, I am so glad you are doing well with your rest's. and your family. I wish I could fly down from Georgia U.S.A. to eat and visit with you. I got to see the new Dark Shadows movie and I so wish you would of been part of it. I watched you as a child with my mom after school. I hope you can come to visit the Georgia area for a reunion. Would love to see you and everybody. Maybe one day I can talk my husband on a vacation down there. Glad you keep in touch on this site. Tammy
A hearty congratulations to you David Henesy (our much beloved David COLLINS) on your Company Establishments in the Resturant Business and newborn baby girl. Thank you and the whole phenomenal Cast & Crew of the Classic Gothic DARK SHADOWS for bringing so much mystery, chilly-scares and excitement into our lives as we grow up, were just kids watching DS's coming home from school. If there's a DS's II I hope they ask you to make an guest appearance in it. Many blessings to you DAVID & your Family.
It's good to see that not all child actors grow up to have troubles. A good example of a young man doin' good!
David as I watch ds now reruns are the only thing I watch from ds forget the new the old is all I do much love you all from the origonal ds thank for making my chidhood gruesomely great lpve to you all Rhonda H
Hi David,
So glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying success in your restaurants and congrats on the birth of your daughter, though I realize now she's a bit older.
Always enjoyed watching you on DS and I just began watching the series on DVD all over again from the very beginning. And yes, I too probably bought every single issue of Tiger Beat back then as well. My best friend and I were like the many who used to race home after school to catch the show, we didn't want to miss even a minute!!
Thanks for checking in here, it's really good to know how you're doing and I wish you all the best in the future.
David, Thanks for updating us on your life! I don't know if you realize how loved you are by millions. Now that Mr Frid is gone, it would be incredible if you would decide to attend a festival or two, one on each coast. People would flock to see and meet you! Many of us were your age when you stared in DS, and we could identify with you. Now to watch it again and see what a great actor you were is amazing! Don't forget about us, and keep us posted. Ken
Hi, David! I was a big fan of DS and always rushed home from school to watch it.....My brother Dennis and I actually received a handwritten letter from you a long time ago....My brother was very ill (he passed away in 1974) and a mutual friend, Jan Grayson, asked you to write to us, since we were fans of the show. It was a big thrill to receive the letter and it showed me what a nice person you are in "real life". Thank you for bringing a bright spot into a very difficult time for our family. I am happy to know that you and your family are doing well and enjoying success in your business. I wish you many more happy years of the same! ~ Cheryl (Bailey) Folkenroth
David, So nice to see you all grown up. I still mostly just think of you as a little boy living at Collinwood. I loved those old beginning Dark Shadows shows, with Burke Devlin, Victoria, Elizabeth, Roger, Sam and Maggie Evans, Matthew and Mr. Malloy and of course you. These early shows were my favorite to watch. Thank you for updating on your life. May you enjoy many more years to come! (and watch out for those dark shadows)!!!
Rose Kosakowski
David! So exciting! Just happen to be coming to Panama this summer with a colleague looking to relocate there from Milan. Small world. I'll definitely look up your restaurants while I'm there.
David, I had such a crush on you!I have finished binge watching the entire series for the third time and this takes about 6 months to do! I have always loved this show. God Bless you and your family
Such a great child actor. Rarely messed up his lines on DS. Terribly under rated and cute as cute can be. I am so glad you are happy and making it well in Panama City, Panama. I live in the other PANAMA CITY (Florida) . Your restaurant would do well here, too if you all ever want to come up to this ole vacation spot and open up one. Take care and much love to you and your family.
I am currently watching Dark Shadows the original one that played on air from 1966 - 1971. i use to run off the school bus to watch this show. David Collins and all the characters on the show were excellent actors. My only regret is not meeting Jonathon Frid before he passed away. I would love to meet you David. Maybe my husband and i will come to visit sometime. God Bless you and your family. I am curently writing a scary book and i take refernce from Dark Shadows!!
David Henesy was such a great actor on Dark Shadows. I still enjoy watching Dark Shadows, and have just watched an episode on Decades TV. It is March 2019 now, and time passes by much too quickly. Life is extremely short, and very sad. Everybody has, and is, dropping like flies, and much too soon.
David you were such a good little actor back in those days. I use to be just coming home from school and my grandmother would be watching your show with that eerily music playing I Would love so much! I'm binge watching IT on prime video! Ur character on the show with your behavior would of got me killed by my mother if I ever acted like the monster child u portrayed! LMAO! Good luck with restaurants you have opened up and God bless your new baby! Don't be a stranger n check in every so often. Ty kindly Victoria Koverchick
Hi, Dave! A few years ago, Robert Finocchio, Diana Millay, my son and I, visited your wonderful French restaurant in New York and had an absolutely scrumptious meal!!! Unfortunately, we just missed seeing you. Glad to see how well you are doing!!!
As a fan, I am thrilled about David Henesy being successful in business and in his personal life. So appreciate him checking in! Will definitely look up his restaurants if/when I travel to Panama!
Congratulations on the new baby girl. I too used to rush home after school to watch dark shadows as all my friends from school did. I attended all girl schools from the age of 8 thru high school and
you were the idol of all of my friends (I was gifted and in the 8th grade at 8 & trying to be grown up, I think I you were my first like) My friends were in LOVE. We were all very sad to see DS end. I'm a few years younger than you, but my husband is your age, a PHD who does medical research in the
Neurology Dept. of a Medical College & Hospital, and I have 5 grandchildren. I wish we had another little one, but the grandchildren are wonderful. I'm so glad that you have grown up to have such a wonderful life. God Bless You and your family.
Rebecca Chisolm
Binging the show now. Many memories. I was 11 in 1966 and also had a great crush on you, too! Went to the theater and saw all the movies. Best wishes. Also crushed on Louis Edmonds. He was too cool!
I went to school with David for a short time in 10th grade '70-'71. He came to our school part way through the school year at Santa Monica High School and we shared a class together.
I wanted to say hello but he seemed shy and so was I. I feared he was probably overrun by fans and thought it best to leave him alone.
Looking back, that was probably a mistake in judgment and I feel bad for not welcoming him. He was probably lonely. I wish I had said hello.
So, David, if you read this, "Hello!" I'm sorry I didn't say it back then. I hope you're having a great life!
Decades has had "Dark Shadows" on at 11:00 p.m. Central Time all weekdays. The current storyline has David conjuring up "little Sarah," with Barnabas threatening to harm David because "he knows too much." The main reason I'm writing this is how strange it is that this series has been switiching from black-and-white to color and back over the past few weeks. Odd that it would have been filmed that way, in my opinion.
David, tell the world the real story buddy. Miss you.
My husband and I are watching Dark Shadows as I type. This is the 3rd time I have watched the series. At this time, we are watching you and Amy looking for Quentin. Love this series.
David and his wife now have five children!
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