- Donna McKechnie (Amanda) will be performing her acclaimed one-woman show My Musical Comedy Life at New York's Laurie Beechman Theatre on April 4. For more information, click here.
- Amazon are currently offering the two recent Dark Shadows compilation DVDs, The Vampire Curse and The Haunting of Collinwood at a bargain price, reduced by 40 percent. To order, click on the hyperlinked titles.
- Ragged Isle is a spooky new web-serial inspired by Dark Shadows, featuring heroine Vicki Burke travelling to begin a new life in remote Maine. To view the show online, click here.
- And finally, it is with sadness that we learned of the death of longtime Dark Shadows fan Vera Marano, who contributed many articles to the main site. Vera passed away in December, following a battle with cancer. Our condolences go out to her family and friends.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
News Round-up
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Cross-Hatched Shadows

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Jonathan Frid Video Interview

Movie to Feature Young Barnabas

Monday, March 28, 2011
More Movie Appointments
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Picture of the Week: Jungle Fever

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Michael Sheen for Dark Shadows Movie?

Speculation has begun that his potential role might be that of Roger Collins, originally played by Louis Edmonds. The character was the troubled brother of Collinwood's matriarch, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, set to be played by Michelle Pfeiffer in the new film; So far, it has not been confirmed if Roger features in the film's storyline.
Meanwhile, IMDB has reported several new crew appointments for Dark Shadows. Samantha Fazackerley is the project's visual effects assistant co-ordinator. Her other work includes Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Sebastian Lochmann has joined the art department as a sculptor. His credits include Speed Racer and the upcoming Wrath of the Titans. And finally, Roy Halfpenny is the film's prop model maker. His past work includes Where the Truth Lies and the new Captain America movie.
Movie Scriptwriter Speaks

Collider has interviewed writer Seth Grahame-Smith about his upcoming screen projects, including the new Dark Shadows movie, which begins filming in May. In the article, Grahame-Smith confirms that revisions on the script are still underway and that he has worked closely with Johnny Depp on the character of Barnabas Collins:
"I could meet with Johnny and sit down with him and hear him say these lines and talk to him about how he's going to perform this character. That absolutely dictates the way that you write because you have a basis in which to imagine these words being said... I know what the palette of that is and I can draw on it."
Speaking of the screenplay, Grahame-Smith reveals: "My job on Dark Shadows was to make it fun and funny, first and foremost. It can still be dark and it can still even be gory and gothic at times, but it also needed to be fun and it needed to be an experience that people would enjoy having. I came at it from, 'Let's not be afraid to be funny. Let's make Barnabas funny. Let's see this movie through his eyes and really see a man who is trying to come to terms with what he is, where he is and when he is.'
"I think we really got there with the script. We're still making some tweaks, and there are rehearsals coming up in a couple weeks... but I think everybody is really excited, me included, about where we got." To read the full interview, click here.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Movie Set Construction Begins
British newspaper The Guardian ran a piece on England's Pinewood Studios earlier this week, confirming that work has begun on building sets for the new Dark Shadows movie. The feature says that: "projects underway... [include] a huge gothic entrance hall being built as the centrepiece for Tim Burton's latest offering, Dark Shadows."
The article also goes on to say that the studio backlot's "biggest project is the creation of an entire New England fishing village using Pinewood's enormous outdoor water tank, which takes more than a week to fill." Though the article does not say which film this set is earmarked for, it seems likely that it will provide exteriors for the seaside town of Collinsport. To read the full article, click here.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Picture of the Week: Short-Lived Servant

Friday, March 18, 2011
More From Eva Green

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Eva Green Talks Angelique

In a longer interview for MTV's Movie Blog, Eva confirmed recent speculation that the film will have a retro setting and that Angelique will still be blonde-haired. "I haven't seen the TV series, but from what I've seen... it's very different. My character is very different. She's American, blonde, cool, in the seventies. She is this sexy witch, very powerful in town, she's very cool. She has many faces."
When asked about director Tim Burton's vision for the project, she suggested that "It's something that he's never done... It's much more focused on the actors. It could almost be a play. The script is very powerful and funny. [Angelique's] relationship with Barnabas, that Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? relationship, very love-hate – it's very funny." To view the full interview, click here.
Treasures Of The Night

"My mom was the main tour guide during filming and my dad was on-set security, and were given a few items," says Allen. "The glasses are shown early in the movie and the painting is the one of Charles Collins."
The picture of David Selby is one of several paintings created for the production. The only other piece known to survive is the portrait of Angelique, which was given to actress Lara Parker, who still has it today. In addition to the drinks glasses, Allen's parents also own an original bound script, embossed with Dark Shadows II, the film's working title.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
From the Archives: March 1969

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Movie Costume News
Picture of the Week: An Uplifting Role

Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Audio Dramas: A Chronology

c1755 Barnabas Collins travels to Martinique, where he murders a man to end the curse of Celeste (TB12)c1792 Feud with Oswald Gravenor and the Collins Family (AD1.4)
c1825 Nathan Hawkins is born (TB4)
c1855 Ten year old Gregory Trask is adopted by Elias Trask (TB7)
1859 Living in Massachusetts, Elias Trask marries Matilda Bentham (TB7)
1860 Gregory frames Matilda Bentham (TB7)
1861 Civil war begins and Gregory and Elias begin preaching in the western territories (TB7)
1865 Gregory and Elias settle in Salina, KS (TB7)
1868 Elias Trask dies (TB7)
c1870 Gregory leaves Salina as his church falls empty (TB7)
1871 Gregory leads a witchhunt in Derby, CT (TB7)
c1886 Jade is murdered and buried at London’s Empire theatre, beginning her curse (TB13)
1897 The ghost of Carl Collins appears to the dying Gregory Trask (TB7)
1899 Quentin visits New York and encounters the Skin Walkers (TB5)
1906 In November, Quentin visits London where he meets Rosie Faye (TB13)
c1918 Quentin visits Paris (TB11)
c1915 Chandres Tessier escapes the cult of the Blue Rose (TB11)
1925 Charlotte Howell comes to Collinsport (AD1.2)
1926 Charlotte is trapped by the book (AD1.2)
c1929 Quentin returns to Collinwood (TB11)
1929 Quentin visits Chicago, where he becomes involved with Chandres Tessier and the Blue Rose cult (TB11)
1941 In wartorn London, Quentin reunites with the dying Rose Faye (TB13)
c1948 Six-year-old Maggie Evans meets the Sandman (TB3)
1955 Construction begins on the new Collins Enterprises premises (TB11)
1967 Maggie encounters the Sandman while at Windcliff (TB3)
1971 Quentin leaves Collinsport in mysterious circumstances; Maggie returns from Windcliff during the summer and is dismissed (TB4); David Collins sent to boarding school (TB4); Nathan Hawkins arrives in November (TB4)
1973 Dr. Gretchen Franklin comes to Collinwood (TB8)
c1973 Disgraced minister Reverend Hartswood begins retirement as the new caretaker of the Eagle Hill Cemetery (AD2.1); David begins medical studies (AD2.3)
c1977 Mr Strix sends the Collins family into hiding, with Barnabas dying at his hands (AD1.1); Collins Enterprises ceases trading (AD1.1); Lost people stalk Collinwood soon afterwards (AD1.1)
c1979 Ed and Susan Griffin take over the Blue Whale after an accident forces Ed to retire from his job at Collins Enterprises; David arrives incognito at Windcliff (AD2.2)
1982 Quentin returns to Collinsport (AD1.1–1.3)
1983 The Lorelei comes to Collinsport (AD1.4); Seraph escapes from the Underworld; Carolyn Stoddard and David return to Collinsport; Quentin and Barnabas leave town; Jessica Griffin arrives in town (AD2.1–2.4)
1985 Angelique begins self-imposed exile near Collinsport (TB6)
c1986 Barnabas reclaims his true body (unplaced)
1990 The stairway of Isiah Mason appears at Collinwood and Angelique is reclaimed by Diabolos (TB6)
1995 Barnabas is haunted by the ghost of Celeste (TB12)