Sunday, December 30, 2012

End of Year News Bites

  • Earlier in the year, we reported about a host of foreign editions of Lara Parker's novel Angelique's Descent, which have recently been joined by a Hungarian edition of the sequel, The Salem Branch. The new version, seen above, has been published under the title Salem Kísértete (Salem's Ghosts). Click on the thumbnail image for a larger view.
  • Dynamite will be publishing a second Dark Shadows graphic novel next Spring, collecting their recent Dark Shadows: Vampirella offshoot. The 112-page trade paperback is due out in April and can be pre-ordered at a discount price by clicking here.
  • Donna McKechnie (Amanda Harris) returns to New York in January with her one-woman show. Donna will be appearing at Broadway nightclub 54 Below on January 2, 3 and 6 at 7.00pm and January 4 and 5 at 8.30pm. For more information and to book tickets online, click here.
  • This is our last update of 2012. Thanks to everyone who has read, contributed to, and supported the site over the past year – it's been a privilege to document these exciting times. However, the year was not without sadness, and the loss of Dark Shadows' greatest star, Barnabas actor Jonathan Frid, is still keenly felt. Keep visiting in 2013 and remember you can also keep abreast of the latest Dark Shadows news from us on Twitter and Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new Cover Art to Lara Parker novel Angelique Descent: very creey, haunting and Ancient looking. Wouldn't want to try to stare her down. smile. And DARK SHADOWS Barnabas BOOK w/Vampirella is quite sensual..'surely our haunting Vampire will have a game of wits with her. Wishing our DS's Amanda Harris(the lady that came to life from a Portrait Painting/Quentin was crazy about her) Actress DONNA McKechnie a great up and coming One Woman show. Peace and have a great NEW YEAR 2013 DARK SHADOWS!!! Chat at ya, later. Peace.
