Thursday, September 20, 2012

Look Inside The Dark Shadows Movie Crew Book

Recently I was lucky enough to obtain a copy of the Dark Shadows movie cast and crew book. This hefty 200-page limited edition hardback was produced as a gift to people who worked on the film and was never made available to buy.

Only 1,000 copies were produced and mine is number number 398. It's a beautiful collection of of unseen backstage photography, with comments from cast and crew, including director Tim Burton and the big screen's Barnabas Collins, Johnny Depp.

Seen below are some glimpses from inside the book, including a wry little nod to this very blog. Click on the thumbnails for larger images. Don't forget, the Dark Shadows movie comes to Blu-Ray and DVD on October 2 and is available to buy now in Instant Video download format by clicking here.


  1. I want one. Could they make copies to sell to the fans?

  2. There are no plans to make the book available, but the official behind the scenes book for Dark Shadows, The Visual Companion, is release next month – details here:

  3. Awesome! You are most deserving for all your work to keep us fans up to date of all Dark Shadows happenings.

  4. This is cool. But where's the little nod to this blog? I didn't notice....

  5. The computer screen on pic five...

  6. How wonderful for you Stuart M. in receiving such a treasure DARK SHADOWS Movie Crew book as a gift. And your 'site is mentioned as well as it should be for you have a truly in depth-Heartfelt informative DARK SHADOWS Website. Keep up the excellent works, your a treasure. Thanks!!
