Warner Bros have released a set of behind the scenes images from the Dark Shadows movie, featuring director Tim Burton at work with the cast. The photographs show Burton with Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins; Directing an awkward moment between Barnabas and Eva Green as Angelique; With partner Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman; And finally, with Michelle Pfeiffer as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard. Click on the images for larger views.
Images © Warner Bros. Entertainment Ltd.
Great photo shots on the DARK SHADOWS Movie Cast: each photo grips you into that eeerie mystery moment. I like the look in Ms. M. Pffiefers/Elizabeth Collins Stoddard captivating no-nonsense stare. And I like the quiet/seriousness of DS's Director Tim Burton & Johnny Depp sitting at the table going over the Script, I would say. Awesome!