Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Victoria Winters' Book Club

Site reader Bill Branch emailed to share this scan of the book jacket from America Sails the Seas, a title that Victoria Winters was seen reading in episode six of Dark Shadows.

Generally when the show featured any printed matter prominently on screen, a fictional title would be specially created by the Dark Shadows props department. However, on this occasion an actual book was used, resulting in this low-key example of product placement.

Written and illustrated by John O'Hara Cosgrove II, America Sails the Seas was first published by the Houghton Mifflin Company of Boston in 1962. "Starting with the most simple canoes and moving through history all the way to the atomic submarines, the author's beautiful illustrations and text explain the role that each ship played in the development of America," said the publisher.

The book is long out of print, but if you'd like to find out what had Vicki so engrossed, a selection of second hand copies can be found on Amazon by clicking here.

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