Sunday, April 17, 2011

Picture of the Week: Zombie Fail

Barnabas Collins! His earthly form enchained... his spirit enslaved... His zombie captors, erm, distracted by something on the left. Gold Key's Dark Shadows issue 10, originally published in August 1971: Souls of Bondage. No, that really was the title.

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  1. The Gold Key painted covers are so epic. Does anyone know if they they have a cover gallery in the back of the new Gold Key reprints?

    They should put out a classy coffee table book about these covers.

    Also, I really wish Barnabas would return to comics. There's never really been a good DS comic series. I'd love to see someone like John Byrne write & draw them. His recent Star Trek: TOS comics were fantastic.

  2. There IS going to be a new DS comic based on the original series. It was announced on this blog some time ago, from an announcement in ShadowGram, the official DS fan newsletter. No new news since the initial announcement....and no further info about artist or writers--or even which company is going to be producing them. Stay tuned!

  3. I would love to see Frank Miller("Bat Man", "Sin City", "300") do a series of graphic novels based on the original show.

  4. This is one of the few comics of the time to actually use word Zombie, instead of stuff like "Zuvembie."

  5. I had this issue from the shelf in 1971. I still have it. Before the reprints began, I bought the whole run of the comics. I can't help thinking the voodoo queen on the cover is modeled after Rosalind Russel in Mame!
