Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jonathan Frid Video Interview

The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation has just released an extensive new interview with Jonathan Frid (Barnabas) as part of their Archive of American Television initiative. The programme is working to create an oral history of television from key contributors across the industry.

This two-hour discussion, conducted in 2008, covers Jonathan's career in detail for posterity, including his work on Dark Shadows. To view the video online, click here.


  1. Oh, I just love him! He's such a grumpy, old man!

  2. What a cantankerous man. How disappointing. He didn't like Grayson Hall and was rather disprespectful of her and a number of others. He referred to Grayson as "that actress -- what was her name...?" Fans are "nitwits". Honest, I suppose. Gracious? Not the least bit. The whole thing smacked of Galaxy Quest. And by the way, John, I did run home from school. Every weekday during grade school. I am almost sorry I did...

  3. Disappointing, but hardly surprising. Most of the '60s TV icons closely associated with one specific character are kind of bitter*. The only reason William Shatner is as gracious as he pretends to be is because Captain Kirk has provided him a steady paycheck over the years.

    It might also be a little unrealistic to expect Frid to still be enthusiastic about the character 40+ years later. He's spent half of his life talking about a job he had for five years, after all. I'm sure boredom turned to frustration a long time ago. I don't really need him to love Dark Shadows.

    *Adam West might be the exception. He seems to actually love Batman.

  4. David...I actually thought Jonathan's "cantankerous" tone (to use your word) was perfectly wonderful and dare I say, refreshingly charming? I loved every minute of this 2 hour interview! What an interesting and funny fellow!! As DS fans, we've all heard many of those stories before but to hear them this way, in Jonathan's own endearing way, is really great! Just goes to show how two people can hear the same thing in very different ways! Bravo!!

  5. It could have been edited better.

    This was done also in 2008, and that
    eventful fest.

    He really brightened up, when he talked about things that we had never
    heard before.

  6. It is because of the "nitwits," that Jonathan Frid is so fondly remembered. I really don't care what he thinks anyway, it's DS as a whole I enjoyed. My personal favorite from the show has always been Alexandra Moltke and the Victoria Winters character!

  7. Well now....I would imagine the glowing tone that most of them have about working on the show was probably just a LITTLE bit embellished....didn't Joan Bennett look at someone at a festival who had been talking about how wonderful it was and say something to the effect of "What show were YOU working on?" We always like to dwell on the good times and not the bad...but to the actors...while it may have been fun...it was just a job after all...

  8. I still love him. His career has been overSHADOWED by the TV series. So I don't judge him too harshly.

    Frid himself has said: "I'm an old curmudgeon and I know it."

    Born on December 2, he's a Sagittarius: “Sagittarius blurts out his shockingly direct speech in total innocence. Under his tactless manner is an extremely clever mind and high standards. His unique combination of wit, intelligent and fiery drive usually brings the archer straight to the winner’s circle. Sagittarians are oblivious to their own blunt speech. They are truly convinced that they are the most diplomatic souls in the world. Pretense in any form appalls them.”

  9. What a wonderful interview.... it’s a lot to expect an 83 year old to submit to such a long interview....... I think he was just being honest about things......not disappointing to me at all.... I think some of the judgmental comments were out of line....love the guy at any age... he looks great too... I believe he meant no malice with the nitwit comment...
