Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dark Shadows Movie Set to Film in England

As press coverage of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland continues, a few more details about the director's upcoming Dark Shadows feature film have emerged. Speaking to FilmShaft, the project's producer, Richard Zanuck, reveals:

"I’m going to be doing Dark Shadows with Johnny [Depp] and Tim later towards the end of the year... But we’re shooting over here [London] even though the movie is set in Portland, Maine (sic). We’ve got the stages at Pinewood lined up."

Located in Buckinghamshire, England, Pinewood Studios is probably best known as the home of the James Bond movies; Tim Burton previously filmed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Sweeney Todd at the studios. To read the full interview, click here.


  1. Best news I've heard in weeks. Was starting to think they were going to bag it altogether! Maybe now they'll also FINALLY release the House of DS/Night of DS DVDs!!!!

  2. This is such good news! I hope we hear more casting news soon, too.

  3. That's "awesome" news...'a nice location to film DARK SHADOWS -- ENGLAND/to set-up the COLLINWOOD Estate which is in Portland, MAINE (USA)..'that's going to be quite a challenge! The COLLIN's Estate(s) are massive and beautifully Haunting. Please, pick out a real thriller-bite COLLIN's Manson/Castle Home for the DARK SHADOWS Family. I'm "beaming" right now/big smile!
    DISNEY's/Tim BURTON ALICE IN WONDERLAND was clever, oddly surreal/strange, darkly scary & visually spectacular...'so I'm very anxious in how the DARK SHADOWS Estate Mason Home/Grounds and Cast will look like. Haunting, brilliant & enchanting for sure with an edge on your seat throat gripping "ghost-bite" Script! Filled with Haunts & mysterious ready to be unleashed...'Can't wait for Winter 2011 arrival!!!

  4. Now I'm getting excited! Thanks for the update!
