Sunday, March 7, 2010

Actor News

  • Barbara Steele (1991 Julia) has filmed a new horror movie, The Butterfly Room, marking her first major role in several years. Fangoria has published some photos from the project, which can be seen here. Barbara also recently recorded a commentary for a new DVD edition of The She Beast, available now from Amazon.
  • Fans of Jerry Lacy (Reverend Trask) can keep abreast of his latest activities on Facebook, at the Friends of Jerry Lacy group, featuring news and many rare photos from Jerry's career. Pay a visit by clicking here.
  • Marie Wallace (Eve) will be performing on stage during March in Where's Sheila?, part of the New York City's Emerging Artists Theatre's Spring Eatfest. For more information, visit Marie's website.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to "each" DARK SHADOWS legend: Ms. Marie Wallace new Website and Barbara Steele newest film/The Butterfly Rm and Jerry Lacy with his Facebook page. Wonderful "surprises" there for sure: loved the vintage pix/Mr. Lacy (the one of you/Dark Shadows Rev Trask talking to Nicholas Blair is Classic-wicked!), that's a pretty sexy vintage "surprise" pic of Ms. Barbara Steele/DS's Revisted JULIA (she was amazing/brave as Dr. Julia...'the Origional Dr. Julia Hoffman played by the legendary Ms. Grayson HALL would of been proud of) and I really enjoyed cruising through DS's Marie Wallace/EVE new Website. The lovly Wallace has an amazing smile but beware when it turns to mischief if you rub her the wrong way...'EVE will come out to get ya!!!
